Quake done Quick

In a hell of a hurry

Friday, 21st November 1997 by Yonatan

Hell quickly Revealed is a speedrun of all 32 levels of Hell Revealed, a DooM2 megaWAD, in a time of 43:39, on skill 1. Since DooM doesn't allow connecting several demos, don't expect it to be as good as the QdQ speedruns, but it's still quite fast.

New version of the QdQstats prog

Wednesday, 19th November 1997 by Nolan

I fixed some bugs in QdQstats, and added a new feature, it's now version 1.3. You can now see where triggers are, and what happens when you touch a trigger, pick up an item, push a button, or kill a monster. It's not meant to be used while recording, just to explore what goes on inside those levels you know so well. Check it out and give me suggestions. A new stats version for Scourge of Armagon is coming soon that also has bug fixes and the trigger option. For more info on the trigger option, see triggers.html.

DemTool demo-processing utility released

Monday, 17th November 1997 by Anthony

You wait a while for an update, then three come along at once. :)

Resident QdQ hacker Stefan Schwoon has written a small general-purpose demo processing utility called DemTool, which we used to compile and process the Qd100Q demo. Amongst other things it will compress Quake demos and produce LMPC text-listings very quickly. Check it out...


Sunday, 16th November 1997 by Anthony

A group of speed runners from Gunnar Andre Mo's Skill 0 Speed Demos Page have started a project called QdQLite, which is basically a Skill 0 version of Quake done Quicker. Skill 0 does not mean no skill! You will see quite a few new cool tricks, and they've already brought the time down to below 16 minutes; they expect it to be at least a full minute faster than QdQr when finished. It'll be out "when it's done." :)

Anyone interested in helping should contact Gerald "Tangent" Tan.

Pressing to go fast now going to press

Saturday, 15th November 1997 by Anthony

Another month, another trick, another article. Last month's ZigZagging piece generated a lot of e-mail and some brand new discoveries, one of which is a biggie. If speed is ever an issue for you when playing Quake, you probably need to know about wall-hugging; so check out this week's PlanetQuake article, Up Against The Wall!

Quake done 100% Quick demo released

Saturday, 8th November 1997 by Anthony

Taking inspiration from NSD, Yonatan and Nolan have finished work on making the recordings for our 100% kills and secrets project. The runs will be refilmed and tweaked to make a movie like QdQr over the next few weeks - you'll hear when it's done. In the meantime we have put together the traditional first-person perspective demo version of this marathon run (it's over an hour long!), and it is now available for download.