QdQ Downloads
Versatile general purpose .dm2 processing utility



This program is intended to become the Quake2 equivalent of DemTool. Right now it just contains a bunch of functions that I thought were useful to have for processing demos on the Speed Demos Archive.

Among the functions that are useful for demo editing in general are

  • Compressing demos by applying simple or optimal delta compression (-delta or -bestdelta, respectively)
  • More compression by removing entities in the player's back (-fov)
  • Playing multiple demos in a row (-chain)

The following switches are more specifically intended for speedrunners:

  • Get rid of the grenadecounter output (-grenadecounter)
  • Stop entities from moving in q2timer's intermissions (-intermission)
  • Output a report of your demos' most important statistics (-report

There are other switches, too, but you should read the text file for the full scoop. If you edit movies, check it out, as it probably does something that you'll find useful. If you're intending to write your own demo processing utilities, check out the demo parsing source code included in the zip.


Unzip the download. Put dm2ool.exe wherever it suits you best, and run it from the command-line. That's it. Unlike DemTool, this program comes in both a Linux and a Win32 version.


dm2tool (38Kb)
Compiled Linux and Win32 binaries
mirror text
Version 1.1, 99/01/14
Full instructions are found in the included text file.

Version history

18th May 1998, version 1.0
Initial public release.
14th January 1999, version 1.1
Update to Quake2 v3.20