Quake done Quickest 2

This is a run that completes Quake on Nightmare difficulty, getting from start to end as fast as possible, killing monsters only where necessary. Finishing time is 10:20. The predecessor run, the 11:29 Quake done Quickest from 2011 is still available on this page.


First you need to find your main Quake directory. This probably has the name 'Quake' and will contain such items as your Quake executable programs (such as joequake.exe, or quake.exe, or winquake.exe, or glquake.exe...) and your Id1 subdirectory.

You should make a subdirectory of this main directory. Give it whatever name you like; for the purposes of these instructions we will assume you have called it 'qdqst2'.

The qdqst2.zip file should contain 2 files which should be unzipped into the qdqst2 directory. These 2 files are:


Now to run the movie, start Quake with the command-line option '-game qdqst2'

The movie is played from a menu interface, so that you can choose to play the whole movie, or individual episodes, or individual levels. Using the menu should be mostly self-explanatory.

You can use the following keys during playback:


.zip - PAK version (3.05 MB) SpeedDemosArchive.com 29-12-2024
YouTube 4k version YouTube 29-12-2024
MP4 - 4k, 120fps version (10.3 GB, H.265) SpeedDemosArchive.com 29-12-2024

Version history

29-12-2024 - Initial release.