Quake done Quickest completes Quake in 11:29, which is an improvement of 00:54 over Quake done Quick with a Vengeance.
We offer the download in various formats: As a demo package, and on Youtube.
Once you've downloaded, installation and running is straightforward: You should make a subdirectory of your main Quake directory called, e.g. qdqst
. This is where you should unzip all the contents of your download to.
When you have done this, you can start QdQst by running Quake with the -game qdqst
command line option.
If you need more precise instructions, you should refer to the text file.
Downloads |
qdqst.zip (4.7mb) | download | The demo package in zip format. | 29-12-2011 |
qdqst.txt | read | The text file. | 29-12-2011 |
Quake done Quickest | watch | The movie streaming on YouTube. | 26-12-2010 |
29-12-2011 - Initial release
31-12-2011 - Text file corrections to add a missing dedicatee