QdQ Downloads
59:31 run through Quake with 100% kills and secrets

Quake done 100% Quicker


This is a speed-run where we get every kill and secret in the game. Quake done completely! There are less short-cuts, but a lot more blood and gore. If you like this kind of 100% demo, check out the Speed Demos Archive page, which features from-scratch runs of this kind for lots of the id and a great variety of other levels.

The QdQ team has made two runs of this kind. This is an improvement of the former Quake done 100% Quick, the whole game in under one hour, 59:31. The usual first-person recordings are available.


The main download contains a pak0.pak file. Put this in a subdirectory of your main Quake directory and run Quake with the -game command-line option. The other formats are installed in different ways. For full installation instructions you should always consult the text file included with each download.


Qd100Qr (5.52Mb)
Normal first-person recordings, 66min, menu-driven demo PAK
download text
Original release, 00/01/05
The latest and fastest version, Qd100Qr in 59:31. If you want to see just the state-of-the-art demos, this is all you need to download.

Version history

5th January 2000 - release of Qd100Qr.
This is a replacement for the earlier releases. Every single demo was improved. Released in first-person view only.