Quake done Quick

Are you a sharp shooter?

Tuesday, 19th August 1997 by Anthony

If you have some experience using ReMaic, the demo refilming utility developed in-house for Quake done Quick which has since made it into the public domain, and fancy showing off your camera skills, then we'd love to hear from you. We are just recording the final few demos for the new improved Quake done Quicker, and want to start refilming old and new demos to put together into a new version of the movie. So please get in contact if you think that sounds like fun.


Tuesday, 19th August 1997 by Anthony

It's been noticed that the E4M5 part of the Quake done Quick run was recorded on Normal skill by mistake, rather than on Nightmare Skill as seen in the rest of the run. Our faces are a little red. :)

There's no big difference on Nightmare mode for this level on the 0:16 route we took; maybe one extra deathknight in the last hall who doesn't notice us anyway as we are invisible. Hence the mistake passing unnoticed for so long, I guess. Fortunately <teaser>the 0:12 demo for this level in the forthcoming Quake done Quicker run</teaser> was properly recorded on Nightmare.

Perkele wins Skillz Test #4

Thursday, 14th August 1997 by Anthony

OK, the results are all confirmed now. Perkele has won Skillz Test #4 (aka the QdQ challenge) with a frankly amazing time of 0:35. Others turned in brilliant performances too - make sure you've seen the highlights reel mentioned in the item below! Since he's won more speed-running prizes than anybody else in the world of Quake, we thought it would be a good idea to interview Perkele.

Skillz Test #4 reel

Saturday, 9th August 1997 by Anthony

The final results for Skillz Test #4 are still to be confirmed, so I won't say who has probably won until hs! announces things properly. But Yonatan has made a lovely demo reel of the highlights from the entries. Only 230K, and a bargain at twice the price! Some of the grenade-jumps are nothing short of miraculous.