QdQ Articles
We've written a few articles, interviews, and other pieces which are particularly relevant to the world of speed-running. You can read them here.

Allowable console changes

An explanation of where QdQ draw the line between fine-tuning your control options, and accidental or purposeful cheating.

Published here, 97/07/21


An interview with Perkele, the speed-runner's speed-runner.

Published here, 97/08/14

Zigzagging through a strange universe

Explains many of the physics anomalies found in DooM and Quake. Introduces the zigzagging trick.

Published on Planet Quake, 97/10/11
Read the local copy in case there have been post-publication updates, or the original goes missing.

Up against the wall!

A follow-up to the previous article, examining further Quake physics and strangeness. Introduces the wall-hugging trick.

Published on Planet Quake, 97/11/15
Read the local copy in case there have been post-publication updates, or the original goes missing.