Quake done Quick

Have a 100% happy Christmas!

Wednesday, 24th December 1997 by Anthony

Well, we said we'd release the movie version of Quake done 100% Quick "by Christmas". Just be grateful that id Software don't take those deadlines quite as literally as we do :) . We do hope you enjoy all 1808/1808 kills and 115/113 secrets :) in what must surely be the longest Quake movie ever made.

Beyond Belief...

Friday, 19th December 1997 by Anthony

As a side-project, we put together a speed-run through the excellent Beyond Belief mission by Matthias Worch, and filmed it in the normal way to make a mini-movie. Well, I say we, but in fact all the final running and filming ended up being done by Yonatan. Download his fine 4:25 solo performance, the first QdQ run outside of the id Quake levels...

...and beyond Quake

Friday, 19th December 1997 by Anthony

...after all, we won't be tied to Quake forever. Since there's a new kid in town, we felt we better outline our plans for Quake2. (Yes, of course there will be a Quake2 done Quick too at some point.) Before we start seriously on that though, we have three other projects to wrap up. The movie version of the epic seventy-odd minute Quake done 100% Quick run will be ready for release within the next few days, and QdQlite and Scourge done Slick are approaching completion and should be released early in the New Year.

Download links fixed

Monday, 8th December 1997 by Anthony

The slightly unusual URL I'd used to link to Planet Quake's magic download script stopped working a few days back, so all our mirror links had been broken. Broken mirrors - that's seven years bad luck, isn't it? At least everything is fixed again now. Apologies to anyone who had to wait for service from cdrom.com in the meanwhile.