Quake done Quick

Updated tools

Wednesday, 18th March 1998 by Stefan

There have been some changes to both Demtool and Demix, mostly dealing with multiplayer demos. Check them out if you like.

Quake2 decisions made

Sunday, 15th March 1998 by Anthony

The next big QdQ project to start will of course be a run through Quake2, probably entitled Quake2 done Quick too. We've waited a while for the game to stabilise and the issues involved in speed-running Quake2 to become clear, because there were a few tricky but crucial decisions to make. If you're at all interested in speed challenges in Quake2, you should probably read our conclusions. In particular: cl_minfps 10. Make it your default.

Run the Inferno

Sunday, 8th March 1998 by Anthony

Work on various Quake and Quake2 stuff continues behind the scenes; expect more updates soon. Meanwhile the dQ Doom runs continue with the release of a run through Ultimate Doom Episode 3: Inferno.