Speed Demos Archive
Archived Quake Message board
In use until September 2003
Author Topic
-SCUT-OpenGLPosted - 22 July 2003 5:47 PST
i tried to answer your mail but it said mail server blocked. =\
ValeriyBPosted - 23 July 2003 3:12 PST
Hmm, strange... try


If that fails, use Morfans-router ;)))
Hope he won't mind...

Thanx a lot.
And best of luck getting :004 !!!

verorbebPosted - 23 July 2003 13:15 PST
tried today for 20 minutes got 0:05.14 best so good players must be able to get it...
lodisPosted - 28 July 2003 1:14 PST
I've never gotten under 5.06.
I can email the demo to anyone interested. valeriy? I'm sure you can do it unless you've lost your skills :)
ValeriyBPosted - 30 July 2003 6:43 PST
Hah, the run is a matter of blind luck rather than any skills, and because of that I won't be trying...

Anyone getting it would simply deserve "Jerking Offf The Year" Award, he-he, but anyway best of luck to those who try ;)))

About loosing skills, in Russia we say: "You can't drink away true mastery" ;))))

And for the demos:

Weixing: I didn't receive your demo, so if you sent it, please send it to Morfans so he could pass it to me.
ThomasB: Could you please send your demo to Morfans so he could pass it to me.
(I can successfully receive messages from him).
Thanks to all three of you.


-SCUT-OpenGLPosted - 30 July 2003 20:23 PST
just wait till next update man...
ValeriyBPosted - 3 August 2003 23:24 PST
Nice demo, congrats ;)))