Speed Demos Archive
Archived Quake Message board
In use until September 2003
Author Topic
-SCUT-OpenGLPosted - 14 July 2003 19:01 PST
this map is so small, that it took me only two days to get done with it. that it, all categories seems "optimized" (just in my eyes) and i don't think i can improve them anymore with my skills. so i think 4 weeks timelimit is really too long for such a small map, as i have nothing to do in the following 3.5 weeks except sitting there waiting so long for the result. well if i can come up with some route tweaks maybe i will have something to do for a few days, but even with that considered i think 2 weeks is very sufficient.
verorbebPosted - 14 July 2003 23:53 PST
I agree, but I think it's done because it's vacation time(1)..silly argument

1: for some this means screwing donkeys 24/7

Edited by - verorbeb on 7/14/2003 11:55:37 PM

timPosted - 22 July 2003 4:19 PST
Sigh soo quiet in here these days :(
verorbebPosted - 22 July 2003 14:53 PST

Edited by - verorbeb on 7/22/2003 2:54:23 PM

verorbebPosted - 22 July 2003 14:53 PST
like you showed yur ass that much
timPosted - 23 July 2003 8:15 PST
i never showed my ass i'm not like that :P