Speed Demos Archive
Archived Quake Message board
In use until September 2003
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vorlonPosted - 23 June 2003 4:09 PST

Just wondering if it possible to run these demo's under FuhQuake? from typing in "playdemo eb_053.dem" I get the message:

Playing demo from eb_053.dem.

Host_Error: Demo Message ) Max_Msglen + 8

Any help would be appreciated thanks.

lodisPosted - 23 June 2003 4:28 PST
That'd be because fuhquake is a qw (quakeworld) client and the demos you want to play are for regular quake, i.e. quake.exe, glquake.exe, winquake.exe (there are quite a few other clients for better graphics if you want that)
MorfansPosted - 23 June 2003 5:26 PST
You were lucky to get an error. When I tried it crashed my whole fuckarseing PC! :-)

But as Thomas said, it uses .qwd or .mvd format for demos, not .dem, and I don't know of any .dem to .qwd converters.

As he also says, there's plenty or good engines around to view the demos in. Personally I use winquake in 320x200 becasue I'm too lazy to install anything else or change to resolution. :-)

lodisPosted - 24 June 2003 0:19 PST
You can't convert between the formats. Quakeworld and regular quake are different games if you want to get technical. of course, they have a lot of similarities but different physics etc.
verorbebPosted - 25 June 2003 14:13 PST
there's one big difference though
quake rox
qworld (pronounced: kwurlt) sux
i rather play counter strike

ok ok that last sentence isnt true

lodisPosted - 26 June 2003 0:32 PST
quake is great as a single player game
as a multiplayer game qw is god damned excellent.

Edited by - lodis on 6/26/2003 6:56:26 AM

verorbebPosted - 26 June 2003 8:22 PST
quake rox no mather if it's single player or multi
qworld sux (compared to q) no mather sp or mp

i played years of nqctf b4 ever playing it seriously as singleplayergame (jitmod with fasthook mainly) to bad the scene is dead else i would still play it (now only occasianaly and if we get enough ppl together to revive old times)

i heard the mp excuse b4 it won't work try something else, you can try to say that world is a cool word you might have a point