Speed Demos Archive
Archived Quake Message board
In use until September 2003
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JozsefPosted - 1 April 2003 23:29 PST
...there were no april 1's fools anniversary/jokes?
StubbyPosted - 2 April 2003 8:08 PST
The joke was that there was no joke... everyone expects one, so we decided to go against the flow and not post one :-)

- The Axe Basher -

MorfansPosted - 7 April 2003 2:59 PST
Oh fuck it, I had a really good April 1st joke planned but unfortunately real life was busy kicking me in the bollocks and I forgot all about it.

I guess it'll have to wait until next year now. Grrrrrrr :-/

RadixPosted - 7 April 2003 14:20 PST
Didn't you say that last year Morfy??
HanzPosted - 8 April 2003 3:00 PST
Maybe next year he'll try to fool us thrice in one day.
StubbyPosted - 8 April 2003 4:09 PST
Our prank last year fooled quite a few :-)

- The Axe Basher -

timPosted - 9 April 2003 4:20 PST
the perfect april fools would be to do the biggest prank on something thats not april 1
then you'd catch us all out :)
MorfansPosted - 9 April 2003 12:23 PST
Nolan: Yes, it was around May last year (I think) that we discussed the prank for this year.

Oh well, maybe next year