Speed Demos Archive
Archived Quake Message board
In use until September 2003
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RobertPosted - 30 August 2002 5:58 PST
I just come to the conclusion that i have bad fps.

I just want to know all the commands and secrets you guys know of that can enhance the play in winquake and glquake. What commands is there to gain more fps?

Write them all down here =)

amrikPosted - 30 August 2002 7:11 PST
r_drawflat 1 + vid_mode 0 = 2937 fps in end.bsp (I am not joking).
JozsefPosted - 30 August 2002 14:31 PST
under GLQuake:
-turn off vsync in your video card's driver software
-use the gl_subdivide_size command in quake and give it a big value like 512 or 1024, depends on your RAM's size
mineraalPosted - 31 August 2002 6:49 PST
Does r_drawflat actually affect computers of nowadays ???
amrikPosted - 31 August 2002 12:42 PST
Yay! Jozsef remembered my GlQuake advice! =) FYI that gl_subdivide_size affects the quality of the sky.