Speed Demos Archive
Archived Quake Message board
In use until September 2003
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mineraalPosted - 26 August 2002 10:07 PST
When you look into the record holders database, I don't understand these one-timers.. They recorded a record, faster than the current SDA time, send it in, and you never hear from them again.

I would think that if you could break a record on SDA you must have some skill, right?

really strange ...

timPosted - 26 August 2002 18:12 PST
some of them were just "one-nighter" coop partners who didn't really want to play but got dragged into it
MorfansPosted - 27 August 2002 10:36 PST
That or they submitted there one record back in 97/98/99 when there were hundreds of gaps in the tables.

Having said that, a few of them showed real promise and it is a bit of a shame that they didn't continue.

Ah well, fuck 'em. :-)

mineraalPosted - 27 August 2002 23:41 PST
thanks, that explaines... Now that I know the answer I begin to wonder why I couldn't figure this out myself ;))
amrikPosted - 28 August 2002 8:15 PST
They can only fuck themselves if they don't want to share their talent. =)
KenPosted - 28 August 2002 10:35 PST
There are some QW'ers who bunny quite fast out there... Some could do some neat speedruns, someone should get them to do them! :P

I once pushed one a bit to break Markus' e4m7 0:45, but he could only equal it a few times. Oh well, Joz has done :44 now anyways, and :43 doesn't look all that impossible now.

We live, as we dream - alone.

amrikPosted - 28 August 2002 11:41 PST
I've talked to some QW'ers and from what I've seen, they don't lack the skills necessary to speedrun, but they lack the patience to commit to a single run for very long. And they don't w0rsh1p dA b8nny g0d!! BOW DOWN!! erhm...
mineraalPosted - 28 August 2002 13:40 PST
actually, speedrunning IS a pretty sick pasttime activity..
mineraalPosted - 28 August 2002 13:40 PST
actually, speedrunning IS a pretty sick pasttime activity..