Speed Demos Archive
Archived Quake Message board
In use until September 2003
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Fr3nPosted - 12 June 2002 18:47 PST
as written unwittingly by Stubby and performed by Fern. www.suspenlute.com/_temp/praecor_-_the_qdq_song.mp3
StubbyPosted - 13 June 2002 0:31 PST

Too bad you can't make out my awesome lyrics :-)

- The axe swinging master -

MorfansPosted - 13 June 2002 2:21 PST
I liked it so much I came in my pants! And I was listening to it at work!
timPosted - 14 June 2002 15:46 PST
hmm too much static when you are singing

also your voice should be deeper for a song like that :)
just like a cover i heard of smoke on the water by soulfly .. everyword sounds the same :))