Speed Demos Archive
Archived Quake Message board
In use until September 2003
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SnooPPosted - 3 March 2002 21:25 PST
I was having a go at the contest map 'elin' yesterday and I found some interesting things with fiend damage on different tries.

I got hit by the fiend before doing the grenade jump and lose 40 - 50 (thereabouts.
get hit by fiend... 90 - 100 damage (dead)
get hit by fiend... gibbed.

In none of these situations did a fire a grenade at the fiend.

Can someone learned out there explain fiend damage? it appears from results I got that sometimes it is multiplied, other not.

SnooPPosted - 3 March 2002 21:29 PST

This double subject post was a result of forums stuff up or something. please ignore this one. reply to other.

can stubby or someone else please delete?