[19:14] <JZA> ->    /join #nolans

[19:15] <Mineral> "TeamSDA and the QdQ Massive" - Hhehehe! :)

[19:15] <JZA> hehehe

[19:15] <Orbs> bla bla bla

[19:15] <QdQ|Ingmar> heh

[19:15] <Orbs> where are the naaked girls?

[19:15] <ajare> this awards speech is the cheesiest thing i've ever seen

[19:15] <ASH^carl^eckers> here

[19:15] <QdQ|Ingmar> you don't see them

[19:15] <QdQ|Ingmar> ?

[19:15] <JZA> there in the corner over there

[19:15] <QdQ|Ingmar> exactly

[19:15] <JZA> #nakedchicks

[19:15] <Roburt> Elin^ is the only girl here i think =)

[19:15] <T|M> remember the whole "valeriy is a girl"

[19:15] <T|M>  :)

[19:16] <QdQ|Ingmar> i'm surprised you didn't notice

[19:16] <ajare> =)

[19:16] <Orbs> you call that girls?

[19:16] <Orbs> those are the thomasses

[19:16] <Elin^> blä

[19:16] * Amarande tries to figure out what R and H stand for

[19:16] <MineraalWater> pause ?

[19:16] <T|M> i wonder if there will b another qdq release this year :)

[19:16] <Roburt> smoking pause

[19:16] <T|M> someone killed the mic?

[19:16] <Orbs> lol

[19:16] <JZA> Morfy died

[19:17] <Orbs> conexion to england was lost

[19:17] <T|M> sigh

[19:17] <T|M> this could b a LONG show :)

[19:17] <QdQ|Ingmar> CUT CU T CUT

[19:17] <JZA> lol tim

[19:17] <Adam_H> heh

[19:17] <JZA> HEHE

[19:17] <Mineral> :)

[19:17] <Orbs> what an improising talnt

[19:17] <JZA> *instant morfy*

[19:17] <mwh> fortunately, someone else has his script :-)

[19:17] <Cyborg> hah

[19:17] <Adam_H> this could be longer than the oscars

[19:17] <ASH^carl^eckers> here are you hoes for the evening...

[19:17] <Ken> Radix37 sure knows how to fix the tech probs.

[19:17] <Orbs> like always

[19:17] <JZA> *shock*horror*

[19:18] * Morfy|sleeping has joined #qdq

[19:18] * L sets mode: +o Morfy|sleeping

[19:18] <Terminatrix> New channel peak! ([1]47[1])  Last peak was 6 minutes ago.

[19:18] <Terminatrix> [Morfy|sleeping] I LOVE DONKEYS!

[19:18] * she has joined #qdq

[19:18] * Morfans has quit IRC (Ping timeout)

[19:18] <Terminatrix> New channel peak! ([1]48[1])  Last peak was 6 seconds ago.

[19:18] <Adam_H> heh

[19:18] <QdQ|Ingmar> heh

[19:18] <Terminatrix> [she] thats why i hate men.. at the moment

[19:18] <JZA> get your ass in #nolans

[19:18] <Orbs> :P

[19:18] <Adam_H> give him a +v

[19:18] * Terminatrix sets mode: +v she

[19:18] <JZA> she

[19:18] <she> yes?

[19:18] <JZA> hi :)

[19:18] <she> hi :))

[19:18] <Cyborg> give me a +v

[19:18] <Ken> "honour"?

[19:18] <AdamW> give me some money

[19:19] <JZA> gimme some head

[19:19] * Cyborg666 has joined #qdq

[19:19] <AdamW> well, it's worth a try :)

[19:19] <she> give me some beer

[19:19] <Orbs> that ll be me for sure!

[19:19] <ASH^carl^eckers> amrik can´t win!

[19:19] <QdQ|Ingmar> Timo!

[19:19] <Cyborg> haha

[19:19] <ajare> i'll kill myself if amrik wins

[19:19] <JZA> LOL@countries

[19:20] <QdQ|Ingmar> Timo King!

[19:20] <ASH^carl^eckers> amrik is a disgrace even for the apes!

[19:20] <mwh> i wish i could remember all my votes :-/

[19:20] <Cyborg> LOL

[19:20] <Orbs> me j here

[19:20] * hermesz has joined #qdq

[19:20] <Terminatrix> New channel peak! ([1]49[1])  Last peak was 2 minutes ago.

[19:20] <_df>


[19:20] <JZA> ->    /join #nolans

[19:20] <QdQ|Ingmar> TIMOOO

[19:20] <ajare> hi peter

[19:20] <lowdis> guys, it's in the welcome message

[19:20] <QdQ|Ingmar> DOH!

[19:20] <Roburt> yey !

[19:20] <MineraalWater> OOOI!

[19:20] <Cyborg> wohoo

[19:20] <lowdis> but thx for spamming anyway

[19:20] <MineraalWater> supris3e

[19:20] <Adam_H> good. thats 1 out of 1

[19:20] <QdQ|Ingmar> congratz

[19:20] <T|M> geez ande hes not even here :(

[19:20] <mu741> wooeee

[19:20] <Adam_H> congrats

[19:20] <Valeriy> and where is the fucker ?

[19:21] <_df> lowdis :)

[19:21] <Orbs> realy star behaviur

[19:21] <QdQ|Ingmar> yea

[19:21] * Pappy-R has joined #qdq

[19:21] <Terminatrix> New channel peak! ([1]50[1])  Last peak was 1 minute ago.

[19:21] <Orbs> not showing up cuz you know you win anyaway

[19:21] <Amarande> hmm.

[19:21] <ASH^carl^eckers> rockstars ain´t supposed to be present. Joes is probably our drinking.

[19:21] <Amarande> "ER" and "NR" are speed, and "EH" and "NH" are 100%, right?

[19:21] * JZA is now known as Joszef

[19:21] <ajare> ye

[19:21] <Mineral> Lol

[19:21] <Joszef> 0wned

[19:21] <Adam_H> heh

[19:21] <Orbs> sniving cocaine in the back of hi limo

[19:21] <Adam_H> at least spell right

[19:22] <Orbs> no

[19:22] <Orbs> to much trouble

[19:22] <MineraalWater> how many damn nolans does Jozsef have, he could start a damn internet store withem..

[19:22] * nyte[work] has joined #qdq

[19:22] <Terminatrix> New channel peak! ([1]51[1])  Last peak was 53 seconds ago.

[19:22] <Adam_H> hahaha

[19:22] <ajare> lol

[19:22] <Joszef> hehehe

[19:22] <Mineral> hmm:)

[19:22] <Cyborg> ALL JOIN #NOLANS

[19:22] <mwh> shit, missed an opportunity to take bets on how many nolans joe will get...

[19:22] <Orbs> 7 pff

[19:22] <Joszef> i didnt finish typing 'pink panties' yet goddammit

[19:22] <QdQ|Ingmar> why did stubbz quote jozsef??

[19:22] <nyte[work]> Alright, so what am I doing in here again?

[19:22] <QdQ|Ingmar> hwhw

[19:22] * Joszef is now known as JZA

[19:22] * Morfy|sleeping has quit IRC (Ping timeout)

[19:23] <_df> join


[19:23] <Adam_H> Morfy owns

[19:23] * Morfans has joined #qdq

[19:23] * L sets mode: +o Morfans

[19:23] <Terminatrix> [Morfans] I LOVE DONKEYS!

[19:23] <ajare> what happened morfy?

[19:23] <Orbs> he morfed

[19:23] <AdamW> haha

[19:23] <hermesz> hi

[19:23] <ASH^carl^eckers> go selinus!

[19:23] <AdamW> they should award it to Joe and Joe, joint

[19:23] <Orbs> ya1

[19:23] <QdQ|Ingmar> e4m4 is just so fucking awesome

[19:23] * JZA is now known as Joszef

[19:23] <Joszef> me me

[19:24] <mwh> you in #nolans yet peter?

[19:24] <Adam_H> hehe

[19:24] <Ken> I think I need glasses, it all looks.. blurry.

[19:24] <Mineral> wow..

[19:24] <MineraalWater> LOL

[19:24] <Orbs> hehe

[19:24] <Adam_H> wow

[19:24] <Cyborg> loool

[19:24] <Joszef> 0wned

[19:24] <Valeriy> all the demos are great,.....

[19:24] <AdamW> hah!

[19:24] <Orbs> tying with him self

[19:24] <AdamW> I rock. :)

[19:24] <Orbs> what an arse

[19:24] <AdamW> does that mean he gets two awards?

[19:24] <QdQ|Ingmar> E4M4!!!!!!

[19:24] <Adam_H> hahaha

[19:24] <Cyborg> hhe

[19:24] <MineraalWater> lurv ?? :P

[19:24] <Adam_H> gotta make sure we have a triple sedlo tie in uv speed next month

[19:24] <ajare> =)

[19:24] <mwh> :)

[19:24] <Mineral> hahaha

[19:25] <Cyborg> lol

[19:25] <ASH^carl^eckers> stfu

[19:25] <Joszef> stubby! noooooo!

[19:25] <QdQ|Ingmar> lol

[19:25] <Pappy-R> Go Joszef go!  :-)

[19:25] <Adam_H> somehow i knew that was gonna happen

[19:25] <Joszef> I WAS SO CLOSE

[19:25] <QdQ|Ingmar> yeeh

[19:25] <QdQ|Ingmar> :)

[19:25] <MineraalWater> you'll get onstage more tonight ...:_

[19:25] <MineraalWater> P

[19:25] <Orbs> tmio

[19:25] <Cyborg> hey hey hey! im nominated here :)

[19:25] * Joszef is now known as JZA

[19:26] <Ken> e1m5.

[19:26] <ASH^carl^eckers> GO hansson!

[19:26] <Roburt> cyborg is?

[19:26] <Cyborg> =)

[19:26] <Mineral> e1m5 was damn cool

[19:26] * Cardhago has joined #qdq

[19:26] <Terminatrix> New channel peak! ([1]52[1])  Last peak was 4 minutes ago.

[19:26] <Cyborg> im daniel

[19:26] <QdQ|Ingmar> e1m5!

[19:26] <Adam_H> e1m5 hands down

[19:26] <QdQ|Ingmar> word

[19:26] <MineraalWater> w0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000t!

[19:26] <Cyborg> darn

[19:26] <Orbs> e4m2

[19:26] <AdamW> y'know, I think I have the same chance in these as I do in the cybies. :)

[19:26] <MineraalWater> I voted that demo :)

[19:26] <QdQ|Ingmar> YEEE

[19:26] <ASH^carl^eckers> WTF!

[19:26] <QdQ|Ingmar> WHOOOOOP

[19:26] <mwh> they're all fucking good

[19:26] <Roburt> bad luck daniel =(

[19:26] <MineraalWater> yep.. they all rock

[19:26] <Roburt> i voted for you

[19:27] <Cyborg> :)

[19:27] <JZA> who's joeing now? :)

[19:27] <MineraalWater> euhmm,,

[19:27] <ajare> shameless self-promotion!

[19:27] <T|M> geez manages to chuck in a dzip plug 2 :)

[19:27] <Adam_H> ...

[19:27] <ASH^carl^eckers> i wonder how much joe payed the hoes to win all those awards :P

[19:27] <JZA> yea

[19:27] <Mineral> heheheh

[19:27] <Mineral> mustabeenafortune

[19:28] <mwh> if you can pay to play like Joe, where's the queue?

[19:28] <ASH^carl^eckers> "ok"

[19:28] <Ken> Heh.

[19:28] <ajare> we're not talking money here

[19:28] <Pappy-R> good point mwh. :-)

[19:28] <MineraalWater> damnnnniiit!!!.. gotta leave!

[19:28] <MineraalWater> :((

[19:29] <Mineral> i wonder "who"'ll win the nextfg :)

[19:29] <Cyborg> hehe

[19:29] <JZA> err

[19:29] <MineraalWater> arh.. damn..

[19:29] <Adam_H> heh

[19:29] <ASH^carl^eckers> whatever

[19:29] <AdamW> does anyone except joszef actually win any nolans? :)

[19:29] <lowdis> MineraalWater: you should stay you know :)

[19:29] <Pappy-R> the Quad Award for all four?

[19:29] <mwh> heh

[19:29] <MineraalWater> morf: like you don't "know"

[19:29] <_df> :)

[19:29] <Adam_H> bah

[19:29] <ajare> didnt see that one coming, oh no =)

[19:29] <T|M> maybe joe beat stuby

[19:29] <Cyborg> HAHA

[19:30] <JZA> hehehe

[19:30] <T|M> so stubby bet up joe :)

[19:30] * nyte[work] has quit IRC (Signed off)

[19:30] <Ken> I voted for e1m2.

[19:30] <Orbs> :)

[19:30] <Roburt> lol

[19:30] <Cyborg> lol

[19:30] <MineraalWater> rofl

[19:30] <Mineral> i voted e1m2 too

[19:30] <Valeriy> e1m2

[19:30] <Cyborg> yeah

[19:30] <Adam_H> haha

[19:30] <MineraalWater> do'h... I voted for jozsef too :)

[19:30] <mwh> yay

[19:30] <JZA> 1o5

[19:30] <Orbs> e3m6

[19:30] <Roburt> thats a good demo

[19:30] <Adam_H> that's the only one ppl bothered to watch ;)

[19:30] <Mineral> hehe might be so :)

[19:30] <Orbs> i voted e3m6

[19:31] <Ken> e3m6... shotgun only...

[19:31] <T|M> and AXE

[19:31] <Ken> e1m2_105 0wnz.

[19:31] <MineraalWater> ppl.. I will read back on the awards l8er.. have fun yall..

[19:31] * MineraalWater is now known as Mineraal|away

[19:31] <Orbs> bi

[19:31] <mwh> i wonder what next year nh will be?  i think we know already

[19:31] <JZA> 0wned stubbz0rs

[19:31] <JZA> congratz

[19:31] <QdQ|Ingmar> yea, fat fat fat

[19:32] <QdQ|Ingmar> 4 times fat actually

[19:32] <Roburt> YAAAY!!!!

[19:32] <Rickard|Madcoop> go robert

[19:32] <Roburt> memememe

[19:32] <Roburt> =)

[19:32] * she has quit IRC (Quit: eh?)

[19:32] <Cyborg> calle calle!

[19:32] <ASH^carl^eckers> GO kal!!!!!

[19:32] <Ken> h2m1..

[19:32] <QdQ|Ingmar> jozsef?

[19:32] <Orbs> i voted alternative on this  one

[19:32] <Cyborg> hehe

[19:32] <QdQ|Ingmar> there

[19:32] <Orbs> didnt watch any of them

[19:33] <mwh> yeah h2m1 ruled

[19:33] <Cyborg> sorry carl

[19:33] <Roburt> DAMN!

[19:33] <ASH^carl^eckers> fuck that!

[19:33] <ASH^carl^eckers> niggah

[19:33] <Ken> All my votes have been right so far.

[19:33] <JZA> suxxors!!

[19:33] <T|M> well he has won EVERY time he has been nominated yet isn't here??

[19:33] <QdQ|Ingmar> your mom smokes crack ken

[19:33] <QdQ|Ingmar> ;)

[19:33] <Ken> I think I missed on the NR.

[19:33] <Valeriy> boring ;( hend & r1m3 are better imo

[19:33] * Mattias_B has quit IRC (Ping timeout)

[19:33] <Ken> QdQ|Ingmar: I know.

[19:33] <Ken> :)

[19:33] <QdQ|Ingmar> heh

[19:34] <SCUT_OpenGL> where the fuck is that real joe?

[19:34] <QdQ|Ingmar> what's that of a lame ceremony?

[19:34] * HeavyD has quit IRC (Signed off)

[19:34] <JZA> and that fucker couldnt even be arsed to be here

[19:34] <QdQ|Ingmar> the main "star" ain't here at all!

[19:34] <Mineral> i bet joe's a bot

[19:34] <QdQ|Ingmar> exactly!

[19:34] <QdQ|Ingmar> hehe

[19:34] <JZA> a gay bot!

[19:34] <Pappy-R> LOL!

[19:34] <Radix37> HEY I"M THE STAR ;-0

[19:34] <mwh> joe might not get the coop run -- just two other hungarians

[19:34] <Orbs> jz

[19:34] <ASH^carl^eckers> GO CARL!!!!

[19:34] <Roburt> Go CARL!

[19:34] <Rickard|Madcoop> go carl

[19:34] * Mattias_B has joined #qdq

[19:35] <JZA> dammmm

[19:35] <QdQ|Ingmar> rde_249 - the only demo i've watched

[19:35] <QdQ|Ingmar> ack!

[19:35] <ASH^carl^eckers> motherfucker!

[19:35] <JZA> ff

[19:35] * Pappy-R pokes JUbe with a stick to see if she's awake

[19:35] <JZA> grrr

[19:35] <Orbs> dont even know the map:(

[19:35] <Valeriy> I didn't watch that demo ;)))))

[19:35] <JZA> i didnt even build that level

[19:35] <Kodden^donar> oops

[19:35] <QdQ|Ingmar> me neither

[19:35] <Ken> Oh well, I voted for me in this one.

[19:35] <Kodden^donar> did I miss it?

[19:35] <Kodden^donar> :>

[19:35] <QdQ|Ingmar> rofl

[19:35] <T|M> sigh only 2 ppl winning :(

[19:35] <Orbs> hehe

[19:35] <T|M> he

[19:35] <Orbs> how honoust

[19:35] <Orbs> :)

[19:35] <Kodden^donar> had to write a mail

[19:35] <Kodden^donar> about my connection

[19:36] <Kodden^donar> :p

[19:36] <Orbs> o voted formyself to oon foty

[19:36] <QdQ|Ingmar> speech!

[19:36] <Orbs> i

[19:36] <Mineral> the best ones get it all it seems >:)

[19:36] <JZA> yea

[19:36] <QdQ|Ingmar> nobody has seen the demos, i'm afraid :)

[19:36] <Kodden^donar> ok

[19:36] <Kodden^donar> tell me

[19:36] <Pappy-R> Nice speach Stubbz  LOL!

[19:36] <Kodden^donar> what did I miss

[19:36] <Kodden^donar> ?

[19:36] <JZA> hehe

[19:36] <JZA> ROFL

[19:36] <Ken> i voted for me here, but I voted for lodis in most improved.

[19:36] <Mineral> hahah

[19:36] <Cyborg> loool

[19:37] <JZA> joszef wins

[19:37] <Orbs> i voted zip

[19:37] <Cyborg> lol

[19:37] <ASH^carl^eckers> bitch

[19:37] * Morfans is now known as Jozsef

[19:37] <Kodden^donar> JZA tell me what I have missed

[19:37] <Kodden^donar> :>

[19:37] <Pappy-R> heheh

[19:37] <JZA> you missed 198233 jozsef-won nolans

[19:38] <Mineral> hehehe

[19:38] <QdQ|Ingmar> it's all a fair swindle!

[19:38] <T|M> it was made by an aussie ;)

[19:38] <Roburt> what is a phallus?

[19:38] <JZA> WHERE IS HE

[19:38] * Jozsef is now known as Morfans

[19:38] <Orbs> :)

[19:38] <T|M> thaks?

[19:38] <Kodden^donar> lol

[19:38] <Kodden^donar> :>

[19:38] * JZA slaps Hungary around a bit with a large trout

[19:38] <lowdis> Roburt: penisliknande föremål

[19:38] <Kodden^donar> lol

[19:38] <ajare> "jozsef szalontai" is an anagram of "jizz floats on sea"

[19:38] <Cyborg> lol

[19:38] <T|M> geez this year doesn't seem 2 have as much effort as last year :)

[19:38] <Kodden^donar> has joszef won everything? :>

[19:38] <JZA> ajare: ROfLROFL

[19:38] <QdQ|Ingmar> a put-up affair!

[19:39] <Orbs> i david

[19:39] <lowdis> I voted for david, hands down

[19:39] <Orbs> :(

[19:39] <Valeriy> all the demos are shitty ;)

[19:39] * Morfans is now known as Jozsef

[19:39] <QdQ|Ingmar> this is it - I'M OUT!!!

[19:39] <T|M> sigh

[19:39] <Cyborg> lol

[19:39] <Pappy-R> holy crap!

[19:40] * QdQ|Ingmar has left #qdq (hum hum)

[19:40] <T|M> me feels like getting back into bed :(

[19:40] <Pappy-R> time to change the name of the awards me thinks

[19:40] <Cyborg> hahahaa

[19:40] <lowdis> joelans?

[19:40] <Mineral> hehehe

[19:40] <Orbs> becuase he has critters around his phallus

[19:40] * Jozsef is now known as Morfans

[19:40] * QdQ|Ingmar has joined #qdq

[19:40] <QdQ|Ingmar> that's no fun anymore dudes

[19:40] <Kodden^donar> lol

[19:40] <T|M> i know

[19:41] <Kodden^donar> I think its hilarious

[19:41] <T|M> feel bored :(

[19:41] <Kodden^donar> :>

[19:41] <QdQ|Ingmar> fuck that!!

[19:41] <Orbs> ilkk!

[19:41] <T|M> i prefered last year

[19:41] <Stubbz> relax guys, it's about to change...

[19:41] <ajare> elek!

[19:41] <T|M> when they preteneded 2 b other ppl

[19:41] <QdQ|Ingmar> no no°

[19:41] <Orbs> true

[19:41] <QdQ|Ingmar> please not!

[19:41] <Ken> zip will win.

[19:41] <Orbs> we want britney

[19:41] <AdamW> go ilkka!

[19:41] <QdQ|Ingmar> noooo

[19:41] <AdamW> darn.

[19:41] <Orbs> where's ah'nuld?

[19:41] <Ken> I hope drak doesnt win, coz it beat my demo.

[19:41] <JZA> jozsef wins, even now

[19:41] <QdQ|Ingmar> AAAAAAARGH!

[19:41] <Kodden^donar> haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

[19:41] <Kodden^donar> hahahahaha

[19:41] <ASH^carl^eckers> booring

[19:41] <Cyborg> yep

[19:42] <JZA> :((((

[19:42] <Kodden^donar> lmfao

[19:42] <ajare> we have only ourselves to blame

[19:42] <QdQ|Ingmar> you're KIDDING!

[19:42] * lowdis sets mode: +v Mineral

[19:42] <Orbs> hehe

[19:42] <Cyborg> LOLLLLL

[19:42] <Orbs> woot

[19:42] <Cyborg> haha

[19:42] <AdamW> wooo!

[19:42] <Roburt> yaay

[19:42] <JZA> lol

[19:42] <QdQ|Ingmar> what the.. i didn't vote for Joe! =)

[19:42] <AdamW> go ilkka!

[19:42] <Rickard|Madcoop> go illka

[19:42] <T|M> ah'nuld sucks

[19:42] <QdQ|Ingmar> heeeey!

[19:42] <QdQ|Ingmar> WHOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!

[19:42] <QdQ|Ingmar> ILKKA

[19:42] <T|M> doesn't deserve 2 c this ;)

[19:42] <Pappy-R> Damn, I voted for Jo on that one

[19:42] <Adam_H> ilkka yay

[19:42] <QdQ|Ingmar> down with the kiiiiiiiiing!

[19:42] <ASH^carl^eckers> ilkka loves the cock :P

[19:42] * ASH^carl^eckers has left #qdq

[19:42] <Ken> Actually, in this category, zip should've won.

[19:42] * ASH^carl^eckers has joined #qdq

[19:42] * L sets mode: +v ASH^carl^eckers

[19:42] <QdQ|Ingmar> Pappy - he would have desered it

[19:42] <QdQ|Ingmar> :P

[19:43] <QdQ|Ingmar> really

[19:43] <QdQ|Ingmar> spin the wax idiot!

[19:43] <Pappy-R> you guys all amaze me. I can't get near the times on your demos

[19:43] <QdQ|Ingmar> don't waste time talking bs

[19:43] <AdamW> that's because they're all cheaters.

[19:43] <]SR[ParadokS> =)

[19:43] <Orbs> true

[19:43] <Pappy-R> heheh

[19:43] <QdQ|Ingmar> (ilkka that is :)

[19:43] <QdQ|Ingmar> dope!

[19:44] <ajare> yeah please

[19:44] <SCUT_OpenGL> most demos on compete-n today are cheated. =P

[19:44] <mwh> nice speech!

[19:44] <Kodden^donar> u all cheat

[19:44] <QdQ|Ingmar> you're face, your ass are cheated

[19:44] <SCUT_OpenGL> er most new demos.

[19:44] <Mineral> yeeehaaa!

[19:44] <Kodden^donar> how do u cheat?

[19:44] <Kodden^donar> :>

[19:44] <JZA> owned ilkka!

[19:44] <Pappy-R> GG Ilkka!

[19:44] <QdQ|Ingmar> With the dope sounnnnd

[19:44] * Mineral drinking shaaampaaaaagne

[19:44] <QdQ|Ingmar> :)

[19:44] <Rolle|crimsonsk> you are all fools!

[19:44] <Orbs> hehe

[19:44] <Ken> Crit.

[19:44] <Ken> I voted critters.

[19:44] <Rolle|crimsonsk> woohooo!

[19:45] <AdamW> SCUT_OpenGL: hey, that's not true! only mine are. =)

[19:45] <QdQ|Ingmar> bah

[19:45] <Orbs> ye!

[19:45] <JZA> really??

[19:45] <Roburt> yaay

[19:45] <JZA> wow :)

[19:45] <Rickard|Madcoop> yaaaay

[19:45] <QdQ|Ingmar> Hey! Congratz!!

[19:45] <Rickard|Madcoop> sweden rulses

[19:45] <Cyborg> yep

[19:45] <JZA> i tend to disagree

[19:45] <Pappy-R> GG!

[19:45] <JZA> but lets to go there now :)

[19:45] <ajare> i eat swedes for lunch

[19:46] <QdQ|Ingmar> haha

[19:46] <Rickard|Madcoop> lol

[19:46] <ASH^carl^eckers> i guess u all love the cock

[19:46] <Roburt> lol

[19:46] <ajare> i prefer radishes though

[19:46] <Orbs> :)

[19:46] <QdQ|Ingmar> sauerkraut fo' real

[19:46] <JZA> mrs magnusson, hmmmm :)

[19:46] <Kodden^donar> :>

[19:47] <Kodden^donar> JZA what did I win when I was away?

[19:47] * NileQuake has quit IRC (Signed off)

[19:47] <QdQ|Ingmar> THIS one was hard!

[19:47] <ajare> big yo'self up sauerkraut, truely rinsin!

[19:47] * Elin^ has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer)

[19:47] <mwh> now *all* of these rule

[19:47] <QdQ|Ingmar> ROFL

[19:47] <JZA> only jo and stubbz

[19:47] <Pappy-R> did I win yet?

[19:47] <Kodden^donar> :>

[19:47] <ASH^carl^eckers> go marvin!

[19:47] <QdQ|Ingmar> a tough choice!

[19:47] <Ken> That is TOUGH!

[19:47] <QdQ|Ingmar> i can't even remember my vote

[19:47] <Valeriy> there are equally great..

[19:47] <Ken> Both of Timo's are the best 2.

[19:47] <Rickard|Madcoop> yaaaaaay

[19:47] <Ken> Bahhh!

[19:47] <ASH^carl^eckers> hell yea!

[19:48] <Rickard|Madcoop> go sweden

[19:48] <T|M> yaya, that demo rocked

[19:48] <QdQ|Ingmar> ok

[19:48] <Mineral> martin's ee1_228 was very good too...

[19:48] <Cyborg> hehe

[19:48] <mwh> anyone know the votes?  how close was it?

[19:48] <Roburt> yaaay

[19:48] <Mineral> all of them rw0cked

[19:48] <QdQ|Ingmar> definately more than deserved

[19:48] <Ken> Both Timo's marathons own everything else.

[19:48] * Morfans is now known as selinus

[19:48] <QdQ|Ingmar> TIMO I LOVE YOU!

[19:48] <QdQ|Ingmar> WANT A BABY FROM YOU

[19:48] <Ken> I pushed Martin to beat ee1! :P

[19:48] <JZA> lol

[19:48] <lowdis> timo was here yesterday

[19:48] <Mineral> HEHE

[19:49] <Cyborg> theres nothing like having a good homemade vinbärspaj med vaniljsås and watching the nolans!

[19:49] <Cyborg> :)

[19:49] <T|M> what does that mean?

[19:49] <Rickard|Madcoop> lol

[19:49] * selinus is now known as Morfans

[19:49] <Pappy-R> WTF/

[19:49] <Cyborg> lol

[19:49] <QdQ|Ingmar> you mean FLA ?

[19:49] <T|M> explain ...

[19:49] <SCUT_OpenGL> e2m1

[19:50] * _df_ has joined #qdq

[19:50] <SCUT_OpenGL> the coop gods!

[19:50] <T|M> or u might get a kick for typing it ;)

[19:50] <SCUT_OpenGL> the coop gods!

[19:50] * Terminatrix sets mode: +o _df_

[19:50] <Pappy-R> coop runs are da bomb!

[19:50] <ajare> e1m1_020!

[19:50] <ajare> oops did i say that?

[19:50] <QdQ|Ingmar> e1m5!

[19:50] <hermesz> that's a cool one !

[19:50] <mwh> e2m1!

[19:50] <QdQ|Ingmar> acok!

[19:50] <Cyborg> wohoo

[19:50] <Valeriy> that's right ;)

[19:50] <Rickard|Madcoop> yay

[19:50] <JZA> HMMMMM

[19:50] <T|M> yes that was a superior demo

[19:50] <Roburt> that demo rocked

[19:50] <SCUT_OpenGL> the coop gods!

[19:50] <QdQ|Ingmar> you guys are SO stupid

[19:50] * [HIV]HorzA-vekk has quit IRC

[19:50] <AdamW> heh

[19:50] <ASH^carl^eckers> dudes! time is 19:49 :)

[19:50] <QdQ|Ingmar> E1M5!!

[19:50] <AdamW> I think everyone just got halfway down the form

[19:50] <Kodden^donar> hehe

[19:51] <Cyborg> yeah!

[19:51] <QdQ|Ingmar> 19:49 whoot

[19:51] <AdamW> and then thought "fuck this, I'm not voting for jozsef any more."

[19:51] <AdamW> :)

[19:51] <ajare> no its not its 18:48

[19:51] <Kodden^donar> I saw jozsefs name and voted for it

[19:51] <Kodden^donar> :>

[19:51] <Pappy-R> LO<@AdamW

[19:51] <Cyborg> hmm

[19:51] <Roburt> LOL!

[19:51] * _df has quit IRC (Ping timeout)

[19:51] <Cyborg> loooll

[19:51] <JZA> Peter is here

[19:51] <Kodden^donar> I havent seen any of those demos tho

[19:51] <ajare> peters here

[19:51] <Kodden^donar> :>

[19:51] <Cyborg> haha

[19:51] * AdamW throws things at morfans

[19:51] <Orbs> halfway the form i did quite some alternatives

[19:51] <QdQ|Ingmar> LO

[19:51] <Cyborg> ffs

[19:51] * JZA slaps hermesz around a bit with a large trout

[19:51] <Mattias_B> Why can't they give a nolan to any of us, atleast we could make a speech since we're here

[19:51] * mwh shoots morfy

[19:51] <Cyborg> the lamest joke ever

[19:51] <hermesz> Yeah it seems im here

[19:51] <Orbs> i like that one

[19:51] <JZA> lol

[19:51] <Mineral> loll

[19:51] <Orbs> best joke off the evening

[19:51] <SCUT_OpenGL> lol

[19:52] <Kodden^donar> hahahahaha

[19:52] <Kodden^donar> Morfans for president!

[19:52] <Kodden^donar> :>

[19:52] <Graffz> :D

[19:52] <T|M> hehe

[19:52] <JZA> rofl

[19:52] * maehway has joined #qdq

[19:52] <T|M> that was a good one morfy :)

[19:52] <ajare> e1m1!

[19:52] <SCUT_OpenGL> e1m1

[19:52] <ASH^carl^eckers> how the HELL did me and PB mae it in there? :))

[19:52] <Ken> e1m1.

[19:52] * [HIV]HorzA-vekk has joined #qdq

[19:52] <Terminatrix> [[HIV]HorzA-vekk] Screw you and the horse you rode in on!

[19:52] * Terminatrix sets mode: +v [HIV]HorzA-vekk

[19:52] <hermesz> It a pity that runs from the projects could not be nominated

[19:53] <Orbs> true

[19:53] <QdQ|Ingmar> Ilkka!!!!!

[19:53] <JZA> w0000t

[19:53] <QdQ|Ingmar> dOPE

[19:53] <JZA> ilkka & alex!!

[19:53] <SCUT_OpenGL> peter?

[19:53] <mwh> yeah, but we want /some/ suspense


[19:53] <hermesz> Yes

[19:53] <SCUT_OpenGL> peter?

[19:53] <Rickard|Madcoop> damn

[19:53] <QdQ|Ingmar> the finishers

[19:53] <JZA> it doesnt smell like alex here atm

[19:53] <ASH^carl^eckers> go back to russia!

[19:53] <Cyborg> lol

[19:53] <SCUT_OpenGL> the project demos are mostly old...

[19:53] <ajare> talking about the 'projects', i've lost all the qddql demos =( anyone got them? =)

[19:54] <Cyborg> lol

[19:54] <hermesz> Im Peter

[19:54] <QdQ|Ingmar> those from the list, probably

[19:54] <Stubbz> peter, get your ass to #nolans

[19:54] <lowdis> hermesz: you should have been in the award channel, you and attila won an award

[19:54] <Stubbz> you just won 2 minutes ago

[19:54] <hermesz> Ah, ok

[19:54] <JZA> he was here all the time

[19:54] <ajare> yeah we know you nonces...we were shouting

[19:54] * hermesz has quit IRC

[19:54] <QdQ|Ingmar> yea#

[19:54] <ajare> but you didnt hear us

[19:54] <QdQ|Ingmar> wtf now??

[19:55] <SCUT_OpenGL> the coop gods!

[19:55] <QdQ|Ingmar> quit

[19:55] <ajare> now look, you've scared him off

[19:55] <QdQ|Ingmar> a shy animal he is

[19:55] <ASH^carl^eckers> baha

[19:55] * hermesz has joined #qdq

[19:55] <JZA> suicidal hungarian

[19:55] <ajare> now this is tyhe best award

[19:55] * hermesz has quit IRC (Quit)

[19:55] <QdQ|Ingmar> ops?

[19:55] <ajare> e3m3!!!

[19:55] <Rickard|Madcoop> hend

[19:55] <ASH^carl^eckers> bahaha rd1m2 :)

[19:55] <Cyborg> come on! rd2!!

[19:55] <QdQ|Ingmar> e3m3_641 !!!!!!!!!!

[19:55] * joe__ has joined #qdq

[19:56] <JZA> rd2!!

[19:56] <Rickard|Madcoop> mememem

[19:56] <QdQ|Ingmar> e3m3_641 !!!!!!!!!!

[19:56] <QdQ|Ingmar> e3m3_641 !!!!!!!!!!

[19:56] <QdQ|Ingmar> e3m3_641 !!!!!!!!!!

[19:56] <ajare> e3m3!

[19:56] <QdQ|Ingmar> word!

[19:56] <Cyborg> rd2

[19:56] <joe__> finally

[19:56] <Rickard|Madcoop> damn

[19:56] <Cyborg> fuck

[19:56] <ajare> bah!


[19:56] <ASH^carl^eckers> awwwww!! whateva

[19:56] <JZA> whatever

[19:56] <QdQ|Ingmar> POW!!

[19:56] <JZA> GAY

[19:56] <QdQ|Ingmar> lloll

[19:56] <Kodden^donar> lol

[19:56] <ajare> nolan trying to muscle in on others' success

[19:56] <ASH^carl^eckers> you bettuh recogniiiize! foool!

[19:56] <Radix37> E3M7 OWZN YOU

[19:57] <QdQ|Ingmar> i was rofl during that demo

[19:57] <Cyborg> haha

[19:57] <Ken> People actually watch a single demo of 7 minutes length!

[19:57] <ajare> no, bergie hacked the pwad

[19:57] <QdQ|Ingmar> yea

[19:58] <T|M> yes ken

[19:58] <ajare> so quakeguy has stubbys bottom

[19:58] <Orbs> in hfr

[19:58] <T|M> some ppl can watch demos over 2 mins ;)

[19:58] <QdQ|Ingmar> that demo is more like a soap opera :)

[19:58] <T|M> the game doesn't die u know ;)

[19:58] <JZA> he was busy boning attila

[19:58] <QdQ|Ingmar> lol

[19:58] <Orbs> anyone watched my ikspq maratthins?

[19:58] <QdQ|Ingmar> both of the m:)

[19:58] <Radix37> obrs i watch everything

[19:58] <Orbs> good

[19:58] <Orbs> :)

[19:58] <T|M> 2 late winners :)

[19:59] <Orbs> die hard

[19:59] <Roburt> me too

[19:59] <ajare> OXIA!

[19:59] <JZA> joe, JOIN #NOLANS

[19:59] * [HIV]HorzA-vekk has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[19:59] <QdQ|Ingmar> there =)

[20:00] <joe__> i did

[20:00] <ajare> you missed all your awards joe

[20:00] <ajare> and were made to sound very gay indeed

[20:00] <joe__> i know

[20:00] <T|M> hehe

[20:00] <SCUT_OpenGL> indeed

[20:00] <T|M> if u were there earlier you'd have permanent voice

[20:00] <JZA> you tried to rape stubby

[20:00] <joe__> even the best player award too?

[20:00] <T|M> and a seat on stage ;)

[20:00] <Ken> You suck!

[20:01] <Valeriy> jozzie ?

[20:01] <SCUT_OpenGL> hi joe

[20:01] <Ken> Peter sucks, being 'done with quake'.. :|

[20:01] <JZA> can i kick ken now?

[20:01] <JZA> :)

[20:01] <ajare> me first!

[20:01] <QdQ|Ingmar> wtf KEN?????

[20:01] <ASH^carl^eckers> Joe was to drunk and busy living his rockstarlife, that he can´t remember what he did on stage :)

[20:01] <Valeriy> ken : is he ?

[20:01] <JZA> i think he is too

[20:01] <Valeriy> fuck

[20:01] <T|M> hey ppl retire ..

[20:01] <T|M> no one slagged yonaton for retiring?

[20:02] <T|M> why do it 2 peter?

[20:02] <JZA> forget about it

[20:02] <JZA> NEXT NOLAN

[20:02] <JZA> w3rd

[20:02] <Ken> Yeah, but Peter owns everyone, he could be better than Jozsef.

[20:02] <QdQ|Ingmar> shut up ken

[20:02] <joe__> i had a lesson, fuck

[20:02] <ajare> my pressing of the forward key in e1m1!

[20:02] <JZA> yea shut up

[20:02] <JZA> you idiot

[20:02] <joe__> thats why i couldnt be there

[20:03] <SCUT_OpenGL> cool

[20:03] <lowdis> joe__: you wanna enter the #nolans channel?

[20:03] <Rickard|Madcoop> go robert!!!!!!!!!!!

[20:03] <QdQ|Ingmar> lightning through wall?

[20:03] <Amarande> hmm, e2m6, e3m3, and e4m8 seem to take inordinately long for nightmare 100%

[20:03] <ajare> lol

[20:03] <Amarande> i wonder why

[20:03] <Orbs> timo's ai kill

[20:03] <lowdis> so you could at least watch the rest of the show

[20:03] <ASH^carl^eckers> hard category..

[20:03] <joe__> seems that quake isnt such important for me any more that i would take anything to be here...

[20:03] <Orbs> on e2m3

[20:03] <Ken> Bah, you can tell me to shut up, but I say it's a CRIME pople like Peter or Markus dont play Quake anymore. They dont have to be like others who play 24/7, but no matter how busy their lives are, they could make a couple of demos a year.

[20:03] <ajare> markus's e1m3 fiend trap

[20:03] <ajare> might be 2001 though

[20:03] <T|M> WOOOO HOOOO

[20:03] <JZA> at least you can respect SDA's efforts?

[20:03] <QdQ|Ingmar> lol ken

[20:03] <Radix37> fiend trap was like 1997!

[20:03] <Roburt> DAMN!

[20:04] <T|M> go stubborz

[20:04] <Orbs> fiend lure

[20:04] <QdQ|Ingmar> YEEEEE

[20:04] <QdQ|Ingmar> lightning your ASS!

[20:04] <JZA> Nice stubby!!

[20:04] <QdQ|Ingmar> shaft iot up!

[20:04] <T|M> armande what the demos and find out

[20:04] <ajare> nolan: i mean the way markus did it in e1m3_024

[20:04] <joe__> congratz stubb

[20:04] <joe__> ive voted for ya :)

[20:04] <QdQ|Ingmar> yea

[20:04] <JZA> SPEECH

[20:04] <schwoon> the e1m3 fiend lure was 2000

[20:04] <ajare> peach!

[20:05] <ajare> oh, hi stefan

[20:05] <schwoon> hi will

[20:05] * JZA is now known as Wet_Jozsef

[20:05] <QdQ|Ingmar> hi stefan!

[20:05] <ajare> hows it going

[20:05] <Wet_Jozsef> STUBBBBBYYY

[20:05] <QdQ|Ingmar> lol

[20:05] <schwoon> fine, thanks

[20:05] * Cyborg666 has quit IRC (Quit)

[20:05] <ajare> you in muenchen?

[20:05] <Wet_Jozsef> wow, you wrote a book

[20:05] <schwoon> no, in madison

[20:05] <Orbs> usefull

[20:05] <ajare> wheres that?

[20:06] <Radix37> schwwn but of course we first did the fiend squish in 97?

[20:06] <schwoon> wisconsin

[20:06] <T|M> yay for the plug :)

[20:06] <Orbs> :P

[20:06] <Mattias_B> he forgot a dot at the end

[20:06] <ajare> stubby you spelt "i am gay" wrong

[20:06] <ASH^carl^eckers> haha

[20:06] <SCUT_OpenGL> yeah

[20:06] <joe__> wet?

[20:06] <Orbs> hehe

[20:06] <ASH^carl^eckers> LOL!!

[20:06] * Kodden^donar is now known as _applause_

[20:06] * Wet_Jozsef is now known as JZA

[20:06] * _applause_ is now known as Kodden

[20:06] <joe__> thx jess :)

[20:06] <JZA> hehe

[20:06] <joe__> liq ass =P

[20:06] <schwoon> nolan: sure, but I think will meant the way marcus did it.

[20:06] <joe__> no, just kiddin

[20:07] <Ken> Peter and Markus should be visited by SDA agents at least once a month, put a gun to their heads, "Make a demo or die, biatch!"..

[20:07] <joe__> yeah

[20:07] <JZA> <Morfans> that'll be a first <--lol

[20:07] <JZA> lost his lines

[20:07] <QdQ|Ingmar> those agents should isit you first, and kill you making no compromise

[20:07] <schwoon> true

[20:07] <JZA> OPENGL

[20:07] <ajare> this is the one where ingmar coops with ken

[20:07] <JZA> OPENGL

[20:07] <SCUT_OpenGL> what the fuck does that "violent" mean?

[20:08] <SCUT_OpenGL> what the fuck does that "violent" mean?

[20:08] <SCUT_OpenGL> tubbz!!!

[20:08] <SCUT_OpenGL> tubbz!!!

[20:08] <SCUT_OpenGL> tubbz!!!

[20:08] <ajare> how can an axe be violent?

[20:08] <_df_> heh

[20:08] <SCUT_OpenGL> =P

[20:08] <T|M> u don't know what violence is?

[20:08] <QdQ|Ingmar> :)

[20:08] <ajare> surely quad rocketing a grunt is more violent?

[20:08] <Kodden> violence sux

[20:08] <SCUT_OpenGL> what kind of demo is considered "violent"?

[20:08] <JZA> :)

[20:08] <joe__> quad rocketing a dog

[20:08] <JZA> usa=violent :)

[20:08] <joe__> or a fish

[20:08] <SCUT_OpenGL> a good point.

[20:08] <T|M> lots of blood and gibs

[20:08] <SCUT_OpenGL> a good point.

[20:09] <Amarande> fish need to be quad rocketed

[20:09] <joe__> hahah =)

[20:09] <Amarande> i HATE FISH

[20:09] <schwoon> fish don't gib

[20:09] <QdQ|Ingmar> i've lost my 'V' key (it takes quite some time to find an appropiate letter to copy-paste if  you don't have one)

[20:09] <Kodden> lol

[20:09] <Amarande> like, the concept of a waterborne monster isn't bad

[20:09] <joe__> they do in hipnotic

[20:09] <Amarande> but ... man, that was some ugly graphics compared to the rest of the monsters

[20:09] <SCUT_OpenGL> ingmar: shit+insert.

[20:09] <Ken> QdQ|Ingmar: I would sacrifice myself, if that's what it takes to get Peter and Markus to make demos again.

[20:09] <SCUT_OpenGL> ingmar: shit+insert.

[20:09] <ajare> =)

[20:09] <schwoon> do they turn into fillets?

[20:09] <Amarande> and worse, i couldn't stand the sound fx

[20:09] <joe__> quad grenading from the balcony of e2m5 on nightmare skill

[20:09] <QdQ|Ingmar> i wil, scut :)

[20:09] <Orbs> try it ken

[20:09] <T|M> fish gib with hipnotic :)

[20:09] <Orbs> maybe they will

[20:09] <QdQ|Ingmar> shit and insert - hmmmm

[20:10] <Amarande> q2 had much better looking fish

[20:10] <Mineral> haah shit & insters

[20:10] <mwh> opengl: you don't need to say everything twice...

[20:10] <ajare> shit & insters???

[20:10] <SCUT_OpenGL> well, dont like q2 single player at all.

[20:10] <QdQ|Ingmar> lol

[20:10] <QdQ|Ingmar> dopefish is the best looking fish

[20:10] <ajare> q2 sp is great

[20:10] <AdamW> dopefish lives!

[20:10] <Mineral> q2 sp great??

[20:11] <SCUT_OpenGL> no, it sux.

[20:11] <Kodden> duke nukem owns q2

[20:11] <mwh> palace of 8!

[20:11] <SCUT_OpenGL> no, it sux.

[20:11] <joe__> q2sp1

[20:11] <QdQ|Ingmar> DotG!!!

[20:11] <ASH^carl^eckers> go hansson!

[20:11] <Cyborg> hey hey!

[20:11] <Mineral> i never liked q2

[20:11] <Cyborg> :)

[20:11] <joe__> i did

[20:11] * [HIV]HorzA-vekk has joined #qdq

[20:11] <joe__> and do so

[20:11] <Terminatrix> [[HIV]HorzA-vekk] Screw you and the horse you rode in on!

[20:11] <ASH^carl^eckers> your cute ass deserves a Nolans in it.

[20:11] <QdQ|Ingmar> Gibborz!

[20:11] * Terminatrix sets mode: +v [HIV]HorzA-vekk

[20:11] <SCUT_OpenGL> i like q2 multi.

[20:11] <T|M> d.o.g ..

[20:11] <QdQ|Ingmar> lol

[20:11] <Valeriy> is it the time to get gibbies released ?

[20:11] <Cyborg> damn

[20:11] <QdQ|Ingmar> fuck compton!

[20:11] <T|M> yeah !!

[20:11] <Cyborg> fuck

[20:12] <ASH^carl^eckers> muthah....!!

[20:12] <QdQ|Ingmar> Gibborz!

[20:12] <Amarande> q2 sp could have had better levels

[20:12] <SCUT_OpenGL> yeah

[20:12] <SCUT_OpenGL> yeah

[20:12] <SCUT_OpenGL> gibs!

[20:12] <joe__> i liked world1-1

[20:12] <Mattias_B> thanks :)

[20:12] <Amarande> hmm, i should see if theres any big level packs for q2

[20:12] <Amarande> like there were for q1

[20:12] <ajare> joe: nah world1-1 sucked =)

[20:12] <Orbs> i think more bad players should take part in the eocontests:)

[20:12] <JZA> ama> juggernaut

[20:12] <Roburt> ddamn

[20:12] <QdQ|Ingmar> i like tetris ep1 map 1

[20:12] <joe__> ahh, you're here too Dude =) lol

[20:12] <JZA> w00t morfy

[20:12] <Amarande> quakers dont seem to be as into making free megapaks though

[20:12] <Amarande> doomers release at least one or two free full level packs a year

[20:13] <Amarande> most of the ones made for q1 or q2 you have to buy

[20:13] <Ken> I had... slow playing in world 1-1.. for some reason I couldn't land far with a RJ.

[20:13] <ajare> they're a lot easier to make though

[20:13] <JZA> yea

[20:13] <Amarande> yah, thats true

[20:13] <JZA> q1 takes friggin ahes

[20:13] <Orbs> you mean mario instead of tetris right?

[20:13] <Amarande> 3d-based editors are kind of a pain to work with

[20:13] <JZA> q+ for that matte

[20:13] <ajare> and quakers tend to move on to the next in the series while doomers are more loyal

[20:13] <JZA> r

[20:13] <QdQ|Ingmar> no, tetris is fine :)

[20:13] <ASH^carl^eckers> the best event of the year must be PB´s legendary fart, which he claims to have lasted 40+ seconds! (true!)

[20:13] <Orbs> oh k

[20:13] <QdQ|Ingmar> well balanced

[20:14] <Amarande> theres a few doom2 megawad levels i'd like to see converted to quake, though

[20:14] <Amarande> like memento mori 1 level 16

[20:14] <T|M> "u ain't a man till you've had a man" ;)

[20:14] <Amarande> the brown texture theme fits perfectly with q1

[20:14] <mwh> nolan embarrassing himself was this year, wasn't it?

[20:14] <Amarande> one thing i never did figure out though

[20:14] <QdQ|Ingmar> oh

[20:14] <JZA> wew

[20:14] <Amarande> was a formula for ...

[20:15] <Amarande> well, i'm sure we know about the nukage and lava in doom

[20:15] <Orbs> go rutg

[20:15] <JZA> hehe!

[20:15] <JZA> he is away

[20:15] <Orbs> hehe

[20:15] <JZA> idiot

[20:15] <mwh> :-)

[20:15] <JZA> i can stand in

[20:15] <Orbs> typical dutch

[20:15] * JZA is now known as OtherDutchIdiot

[20:15] <Amarande> well, i was trying to figure out exactly how deep you need to make q1 lava, q2 slime, and q2 lava to get a particular amount of damage per second

[20:15] <joe__> fuck, i'm there!

[20:15] <joe__> why dont they give me a voice???

[20:15] <joe__> damit...

[20:15] <QdQ|Ingmar> hehe

[20:16] <Orbs> :)

[20:16] <Radix37> damange is 10 when barely in 20 when mostly in and 30 when completely in

[20:16] <Orbs> i'll roll one for rutg

[20:16] <ajare> well you are the same person as rutger, arent you =)

[20:17] <OtherDutchIdiot> hehehe

[20:17] <QdQ|Ingmar> nobody beats the biz

[20:17] * OtherDutchIdiot is now known as JZA

[20:17] <Amarande> hmm, so, i'm supposing a 20 damage lava sector the way doom does it is impossible then

[20:17] <Amarande> you have to make it actually deep enough to have to wade in?

[20:17] <Kodden> ffs

[20:17] <Kodden> I need to spam more

[20:17] <Radix37> yes the damange is set in the qc

[20:17] * Ken has quit IRC (Ping timeout)

[20:18] <QdQ|Ingmar> remoed

[20:18] * MPS has joined #qdq

[20:18] <Orbs> quake done backwards can e done in about 15 secs

[20:18] <QdQ|Ingmar> oh, yea

[20:18] <QdQ|Ingmar> remoVed

[20:18] <QdQ|Ingmar> :)

[20:18] <QdQ|Ingmar> i forgot

[20:18] <Orbs> you would start where chton is

[20:18] <Orbs> get rl

[20:18] <ASH^carl^eckers> jesse done doggy was good too

[20:18] <Orbs> go to secret exit

[20:18] <JZA> rofl

[20:18] <ajare> =)

[20:18] <QdQ|Ingmar> lol

[20:18] <Orbs> then youre in the start map

[20:18] <Orbs> finished

[20:18] <Orbs> thats quite backwards imo

[20:18] * joe__ has quit IRC (Ping timeout)

[20:18] <JZA> @addquote <ASH^carl^eckers> jesse done doggy was good too

[20:19] <Orbs> heh

[20:19] <Stubbz> yay, Mads-Peter is here :)

[20:19] * Stubbz slaps MPS around a bit with a large trout

[20:19] <ajare> @quote 14

[20:19] <Terminatrix> [1]<Tim2> @file stubby_boning_tim_in_the_darkroom.mpg[1]

[20:19] <ajare> @quote 50

[20:19] <Terminatrix> [1]<JZA|oakleyStore> its the brand that sports stubby as a hot babe :)[1]

[20:19] <SCUT_OpenGL> @sux

[20:20] <SCUT_OpenGL> why nothing comes out?

[20:20] <Orbs> weix!

[20:20] <QdQ|Ingmar> Weixing!

[20:20] <QdQ|Ingmar> go!

[20:20] <mwh> weixing!

[20:20] <JZA> YODA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[20:20] * Ken has joined #qdq

[20:20] <T|M> @quote 36

[20:20] <Terminatrix> [1]<Timot> we all know me reminding him of his lesbo porn has made him want to watch it :)[1]

[20:20] <Orbs> wooha

[20:20] <T|M> @quote 37

[20:20] <Terminatrix> [1]*** Stubbz was kicked by JZA (Stubbz)[1]

[20:20] <ajare> eh?

[20:20] <T|M> i can't remember where the good one about marvin is

[20:20] <ajare> which retard added that one?

[20:20] <ajare> @quote 29

[20:20] <Terminatrix> [1][20:54] <AGH_NULD> Terminatrix should slap Tim2 whenever he joins :)[1]

[20:20] <Ken> Scut won for what, most improved player?

[20:20] <JZA> Weixing!!

[20:20] <ajare> thats the best one

[20:21] <Mineral> Wohooo! China

[20:21] <mwh> best rookie

[20:21] <lowdis> rookie

[20:21] <Radix37> best newb

[20:21] <Ken> Ahh, rookie.

[20:21] <QdQ|Ingmar> fuck china, wohooo weixing!

[20:21] <JZA> tell him Xane is not Anthony!!

[20:21] <Ken> Orfy! :P

[20:21] <Kodden> rofl

[20:21] <ajare> @quote 31

[20:21] <Terminatrix> [1]<Marvin|> yeah, you're a bitch Jesse[1]

[20:21] <ajare> that one tim?

[20:21] <Orbs> ricardo stubbbz

[20:21] <T|M> no

[20:22] <T|M> the one about marvins real name

[20:22] <Ken> I voted Thomas B, he rulz now.

[20:22] <QdQ|Ingmar> STUBBBBY

[20:22] <ajare> this ones more of an insult award

[20:22] <ajare> its like "you used to be crap"

[20:22] <JZA> hehe

[20:22] <SCUT_OpenGL> lodis

[20:22] <Orbs> thomas

[20:22] <QdQ|Ingmar> hehe :)

[20:22] <Ken> LOL!

[20:22] <SCUT_OpenGL> lodis

[20:22] <ASH^carl^eckers> the quote Tim wants is the one where MArvin enlightens everyone about Amrik´s similarities to an ape.

[20:22] * sj0002__ has joined #qdq

[20:22] <QdQ|Ingmar> THOMAS THOMAS!

[20:22] <mu741> lowdis! wheeee! uh, motionsickness, gotta go.

[20:22] <Ken> "You used to be crap..... but now you're good", it isn't an insult.

[20:22] <T|M> no

[20:22] <lowdis> mu741: see ya

[20:22] <Adam_H> ajare some ppl never get past the crap stage

[20:22] <ajare> @quote 38

[20:22] <Terminatrix> [1]*** Terminatrix sets mode: -o JZA[1]

[20:22] <mwh> congrats

[20:22] <Kodden> someone bribed the judges

[20:22] <Kodden> :>

[20:22] <Adam_H> this award isn't an insult at all

[20:22] <Ken> Adam_H: Lol.

[20:22] * sj0002__ is now known as sj0002___

[20:23] <T|M> marvin says his hobbies include graffz making love ot his girl or some crap like that:)

[20:23] <Orbs> there are levels between crap and good

[20:23] <sj0002___> so i couldnt leave w/o saying Thanks

[20:23] <AdamW> wow, we've never had a Chinese player...hehe

[20:23] <ASH^carl^eckers> Tim: what?

[20:23] * Benlanka has joined #qdq

[20:23] * sj0002___ is now known as _sj0002__

[20:23] <JZA> @peak

[20:23] <Terminatrix> Channel Peak Record: 52 (57 minutes ago).

[20:23] * _sj0002__ has quit IRC ([1][[1]BX[1]][1] Everybody was Kung Fu fighting!)

[20:23] <QdQ|Ingmar> deseververeverded?

[20:23] <SCUT_OpenGL> @sux

[20:23] <Orbs> :)

[20:23] <QdQ|Ingmar> perverted!

[20:23] <SCUT_OpenGL> why nothing comes out?

[20:24] * Benlanka has quit IRC (Client reset)

[20:24] <ajare> @sux

[20:24] <ajare> no idea

[20:24] <SCUT_OpenGL> why nothing comes out?

[20:24] <Kodden> I wonder who wins the #qdq spamming contest :)

[20:25] <SCUT_OpenGL> me of course.

[20:25] <Orbs> o o

[20:25] <SCUT_OpenGL> joe!

[20:25] <QdQ|Ingmar> morfy! go go!

[20:25] <SCUT_OpenGL> joe!!

[20:25] <SCUT_OpenGL> joe!!!

[20:25] <ajare> @quote 42

[20:25] <Terminatrix> [1]<Orbs> i should become a serial copcockcutter[1]

[20:25] <SCUT_OpenGL> joe!!!!

[20:25] <SCUT_OpenGL> joe!!!!!

[20:25] <SCUT_OpenGL> joe!!!!!!

[20:25] <SCUT_OpenGL> joe!!!!!!!

[20:25] <SCUT_OpenGL> joe!!!!!!!!

[20:25] <SCUT_OpenGL> joe!!!!!!!!!

[20:25] <QdQ|Ingmar> morfans!

[20:25] <Orbs> hehe

[20:25] <Kodden> plz

[20:25] <JZA> ME!

[20:25] <Kodden> u suck at spamming

[20:25] <Mineral> jesse

[20:25] <SCUT_OpenGL> but...  yes, morfy deserves. =P

[20:25] <ajare> stubby!

[20:25] <Kodden> :>

[20:25] <AdamW> not me?!

[20:25] <QdQ|Ingmar> TIMO !!!!!!!!!!!!

[20:25] <AdamW> shocking.

[20:26] <QdQ|Ingmar> one luve!

[20:26] <Orbs> same felling here

[20:26] <ajare> but i bets it a draw

[20:26] <JZA> yea

[20:26] <JZA> not much of a surprise :)

[20:26] <_df_> ...

[20:26] <JZA> JOE

[20:26] <Kodden> ya

[20:26] <Kodden> :>

[20:26] <QdQ|Ingmar> timo?

[20:26] <QdQ|Ingmar> aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh

[20:26] * QdQ|Ingmar suicides

[20:26] <Orbs> hehe

[20:26] <ajare> @quote 20

[20:26] <Terminatrix> [1]<Stubbz> JZA you smelly dutchy, amsterdam smell of fish[1]

[20:26] <Pappy-R> way to go Jo

[20:26] <Orbs> do we?

[20:27] <JZA> you geek

[20:27] <JZA> SPEAK

[20:27] <T|M> is there a way to view the qutoes withought them turning up in here?

[20:27] <JZA> yea

[20:27] <JZA> chat with tx

[20:27] <mwh> shame!

[20:27] <JZA> duoble click her

[20:27] <ASH^carl^eckers> my guess is u all love the cock...

[20:27] <ASH^carl^eckers> i know JZA does

[20:27] * QdQ|Ingmar returns as a ghost and forecasts that you will all suffer endless pain for not voting Timo at all, which is a shame indeed.

[20:27] <T|M> ok i'll go chat her up :_)

[20:27] <Orbs> booooooooo

[20:28] <Kodden> @addquote speedrunners should get a better internet connection :E

[20:28] <Kodden> :>

[20:28] <AdamW> jozsef can come play Doom, it's better ;)

[20:28] <_df_> indeed :)

[20:28] <JZA> hehe adam

[20:28] <T|M> hmm

[20:28] <T|M> perhaps she is busy sucking stubby ;) she doesn't want 2 reply

[20:28] <JZA> who says it will be shiny next year? :)

[20:28] <Kodden> :>

[20:28] <JZA> maybe it will be pink! :)

[20:28] <Kodden> plz be quit jesse

[20:28] <Kodden> :)

[20:28] <Kodden> oops

[20:28] <Kodden> quiet

[20:28] <Kodden> hard word

[20:28] <Kodden> :>

[20:29] <QdQ|Ingmar> i almost SHED A FUCKING TEAR for that goddamn bastard!

[20:30] <QdQ|Ingmar> *sigh*

[20:30] <Kodden> lol

[20:30] <Kodden> :>

[20:30] <Kodden> ure such a wuss

[20:30] <Kodden> :>

[20:30] <Orbs> oh boy

[20:30] <QdQ|Ingmar> eh?

[20:30] <QdQ|Ingmar> :)

[20:30] <Kodden> :)

[20:30] <JZA> coolest award time!

[20:30] <QdQ|Ingmar> yeee

[20:30] <Pappy-R> Shhh, my award is up!

[20:30] <Mineral> ehheeh

[20:30] <Kodden> rofl

[20:30] <Pappy-R> :-)

[20:30] * Orbs crawls in a corner

[20:30] <QdQ|Ingmar> lol

[20:31] <JZA> haha

[20:31] <ASH^carl^eckers> Amrik must win.

[20:31] <SCUT_OpenGL> cool!

[20:31] <Kodden> :)

[20:31] <JZA> BASIL BASIL!!

[20:31] <JZA> :))

[20:31] <ajare> some things never change

[20:31] <QdQ|Ingmar> basil the mouse detective!

[20:31] * JZA pulls Basil into the light

[20:31] <JZA> here he is!

[20:31] <Kodden> lol

[20:31] <QdQ|Ingmar> hehe!

[20:31] <QdQ|Ingmar> BASIL

[20:31] <Orbs> :)

[20:31] <QdQ|Ingmar> YOOO

[20:31] <JZA> w000000t!!!

[20:31] <ASH^carl^eckers> bah

[20:31] <T|M> lol

[20:31] <T|M> go basil

[20:31] <QdQ|Ingmar> how WELL deserved!

[20:31] <Valeriy> ?

[20:32] <Mineral> Heheh!

[20:32] <AdamW> why are there so many people called de Vries associated with gaming, anyway?

[20:32] <JZA> Dutch PRIDE... err... ok, forget that

[20:32] <ajare> foty has nothing to do with demos

[20:32] <ajare> its about who has the most quotes in terminatriz

[20:32] <T|M> hmm only 1 award left now

[20:32] <Kodden> lol

[20:32] <SCUT_OpenGL> ken is saved again. =/

[20:33] <Radix37> ken won last year

[20:33] <QdQ|Ingmar> ken is too foolish for THAT award :)

[20:33] <Stubbz> jonny won last year

[20:33] <SCUT_OpenGL> no, he didn't.

[20:33] <ajare> yeah he did

[20:33] <QdQ|Ingmar> i also remember tgat

[20:33] <QdQ|Ingmar> that

[20:33] <JZA> its not for rectal inserting

[20:34] <QdQ|Ingmar> it's not?

[20:34] <lowdis> I hope he didn't get pissed off or anything

[20:34] <ajare> well it can be virtually rectally inserted

[20:34] <JZA> no, the head suggests it, though

[20:34] <QdQ|Ingmar> using which protocol?

[20:34] * ajare shoves Orbs's Nolan up him

[20:34] <QdQ|Ingmar> up-yer-ass/ip

[20:34] <QdQ|Ingmar> Ilkka!

[20:34] <JZA> ILKKA

[20:35] <QdQ|Ingmar> ILL'ah

[20:35] <QdQ|Ingmar> o-akbar!

[20:35] <ajare> ilkka's mother!

[20:35] * mu741 has quit IRC (Signed off)

[20:35] <QdQ|Ingmar> YEA

[20:35] <Mattias_B> Yonatan

[20:35] <QdQ|Ingmar> IT IS HIM

[20:35] <QdQ|Ingmar> :)

[20:35] <QdQ|Ingmar> uh

[20:35] <ajare> i voted for myself

[20:35] <QdQ|Ingmar> ...

[20:35] <JZA> woooo

[20:35] <Orbs> clap clap

[20:35] <QdQ|Ingmar> YOOOO

[20:35] <schwoon> woo

[20:35] <Orbs> in memoriam

[20:36] <Mattias_B> yeah, de deserved to win

[20:36] <Kodden> weeee

[20:36] <AdamW> WOOO

[20:36] <AdamW> yay yonatan

[20:36] * JZA is now known as SuicideBomber

[20:36] <AdamW> he the man

[20:36] * QdQ|Ingmar cries

[20:36] * SuicideBomber tries to run to the stage

[20:36] <ajare> um i think you got that the wrong way round jesse

[20:36] <QdQ|Ingmar> omg

[20:36] <SuicideBomber> lets me through

[20:36] <AdamW> and can we invent a new bad taste award, please?

[20:36] <SuicideBomber> jihad jihad!!

[20:36] <mwh> no need

[20:36] <Kodden> lol

[20:36] <QdQ|Ingmar> urks!

[20:36] <QdQ|Ingmar> ROFL!

[20:37] <lowdis> yeah that was bad taste

[20:37] <Orbs> so who of you fuckers voted for me?

[20:37] * Kodden beats SuicideBomber down to the ground

[20:37] <Orbs> :)

[20:37] * SuicideBomber explodes

[20:37] <QdQ|Ingmar> he

[20:37] <Kodden> oops

[20:37] * Kodden reincarnated as Stubbz ass

[20:37] <ajare> lol

[20:37] <QdQ|Ingmar> muhaha!

[20:37] <ASH^carl^eckers> shit, I´ve got koddens intestines all over me!

[20:37] * Kodden is in a lot of pain

[20:37] <ajare> yes i did nolan

[20:37] <ajare> dont patronise us =)

[20:37] <QdQ|Ingmar> yea me too

[20:37] <T|M> hmm we can't answer nolan ;)

[20:37] <Mineral> i've seen it too

[20:38] <schwoon> I did...

[20:38] <Ken> I havent.

[20:38] <T|M> no speaking rights ..

[20:38] <QdQ|Ingmar> wohoo

[20:38] <QdQ|Ingmar> QDQ FAMMMME

[20:38] <AdamW> someone tell Radix I did. :)

[20:38] <Kodden> :)'

[20:38] <SuicideBomber> we can kick him for patronzing us

[20:38] * AdamW is now known as I_did

[20:38] * Radix37 was kicked by SuicideBomber (Radix37)

[20:38] * Terminatrix sets mode: -o SuicideBomber

[20:38] <SuicideBomber> lol

[20:38] <Kodden> rofl

[20:38] * Radix37 has joined #qdq

[20:38] <Terminatrix> [Radix37] über m4d h4cker

[20:38] <Kodden> ure so owned

[20:38] <Kodden> :>

[20:38] <QdQ|Ingmar> hehe

[20:38] * I_did is now known as AdamW

[20:38] <Radix37> fuckwad

[20:38] * Terminatrix sets mode: +o Radix37

[20:38] <T|M> hehe

[20:38] * SuicideBomber is now known as JZA

[20:39] * Terminatrix sets mode: +o JZA

[20:39] <ajare> lots of other people

[20:39] <QdQ|Ingmar> LOTS

[20:39] <QdQ|Ingmar> in capitals

[20:39] <ajare> well the awards are over, so its time to get silly and celebrate

[20:39] <mwh> :)

[20:39] * Denn has quit IRC (Read error: EOF from client)

[20:39] <JZA> hehehehe!!!

[20:39] <ajare> lets have a kicking competition

[20:40] <T|M> kick phil ..

[20:40] <schwoon> congrats to joe and all other winners...

[20:40] <SCUT_OpenGL> not ken?

[20:40] * ajare kicks Phil

[20:40] * JZA sets mode: +o T|M

[20:40] <JZA> go ahead :)

[20:40] <Rickard|Madcoop> oh dinner time

[20:40] <T|M> he isn't even here :(

[20:40] <T|M> bastard ..

[20:40] * AdamW has left #qdq (I like core dumps)

[20:40] * Rickard|Madcoop has quit IRC (Signed off)

[20:40] * JZA sets mode: -o T|M


[20:40] <Orbs> drugs!

[20:40] <ajare> anyone logging this?

[20:40] <Mineral> yeaaaaaaa! that was nice :)

[20:40] <Orbs> who's

[20:40] <schwoon> and thanks everyone for organzing the nolans.

[20:40] <T|M> doh

[20:40] <Orbs> hoes i mean

[20:40] <QdQ|Ingmar> The Nolans! 2003!!

[20:40] <T|M> i didn't see that :(

[20:40] <ajare> three cheers now




[20:41] * QdQ|Ingmar applaudes

[20:41] <T|M> i just saw the -o

[20:41] <mwh> yeah!  hope stubby's less stressed now!

[20:41] * ajare grenade-jumps on stage

[20:41] * QdQ|Ingmar air-frags ajare

[20:41] <Pappy-R> Thnx guys! GG SDA, QDQ!