Gunnar Andre Mo

General Information

You live in (city & country)?

Your birthdate (or age)?
March 6th 1974

Your occupation/job/studies?
Student, Computer Engineer

Your hobbies?
Computer Games, Dart, Tea Kwon-Do, Sci-Fi books

Your email/icq/mirc/homepage?
UIN 820540

Your music taste?
Nightwish, Progressive Death Metal and Classic Music.

Anything you want to add here (about yourself)?

Quake-related Information

Your nickname (story behind it)?
Muad'dib from the Dune series. I just liked those books.

Your Quake config (key bindings, etc.)?

R-Mouse - move forward
L-Mouse - attack
Strafe with RIGHT and LEFT arrow keys
Jump with UP
Backwards with DOWN
Weapons at INS, HOME, PgUp, PgDn, END & DEL

Size of Quake directory on your HD?
800+ MB

Your computer (processor/videocard etc.)?
PIII 450, V2, 128MB, 38GB

Quake settings (resolution, version etc.)?
800x600, 1.08

First contact to speedrunning (when, how etc.)?
I saw Perkeles winning demo in the E2M5 contest somewhere. That was the first time I saw rocketjumping, and I just had to try it myself. I spent 6-7 hours trying to beat his 0:40 record that same evening/night, but it took me quite a while before I managed to do that. Anyway, I was surly hooked, and a week afterwards I set up a page for skill 0 demos. A few months(?) later I got some help updating it by Gerald Tan, and not long after that, we hooked up with Nolan Pflug (who then updated a skill 3 page) to make SDA.

First speedrunning demo?
E2M5 :39, or maybe E1M1 :30

Favorite speedrunning demo(s) from yourself (the one(s) that you're most proud of)?
Well, I don't have any records left now, I think. I was the first to break the :30 barrier on E1M1. Both on Skill 0 and Skill 3 (at least I think so). Also, my E2M2 demo from QdQLite, with the Ogre-grenade-jump is pretty fun.

Favorite speedrunning demo(s) from others?
The Spikemine-jump on HIP3M1 is quite cool. Can't remember who did that.

Favorite player (overall/runs/100%/marathon/coop)?
Yonathan Donner always impressed me.

Favorite trick in a demo?
The Spikemine-jump.

Favorite QdQ release?

Favorite original Quake map?
E2M5, E1M7

Favorite custom map?
Hm.. don't remember any of them now...

Most annoying monster/map?
Fiends probably

Do you like Doom/Quake2/Q3A?
I played a lot of Doom2 DM, and played once through Q3A. I've only played a few Q2 maps.

What do you think of Quake now?
A brilliant classic, but I almost never play it anymore.

Quake Purity Test score? link

Anything else you want to add here?
Long time no see, Nolan =)


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