Chris Longden

General Information

You live in (city & country)?
Newport Beach, California, USA.

Your birthdate (or age)?
October 30th 1979

Your occupation/job/studies?
Computer Programmer / Project Manager

Your hobbies?
Partying, body-boarding, swimming, golf

Your email/icq/mirc/homepage?
ICQ: 101815

Your music taste?
Techno, Trance, Progressive Trance/House (Sasha, Digweed, Oakenfold, Van Dyk, Pete Tong etc etc...)

Anything you want to add here (about yourself)?
Quake is probably the largest contributing factor to me ending up in California working for GameSpy. It's been fun!

Quake-related Information

Your nickname (story behind it)?
Chris (I was always too lazy to think one up.)

Your Quake config (key bindings, etc.)?
Cursor Keys, mouse, and weapon change on the mouse wheel. Nothing exciting.

Size of Quake directory on your HD?
1 gig +

Your computer (processor/videocard etc.)?
P3-600, 256megs ram, Nvidia GeForce 2

Quake settings (resolution, version etc.)?
640*480 GL

First contact to speedrunning (when, how etc.)?
Saw QdQr and thought it was cool. Got involved in doing re-cams through Anthony Bailey.

First speedrunning demo?
Don't even remember.

Favorite speedrunning demo(s) from yourself (the one(s) that you're most proud of)?
It's been so long, but I used to like e2m7. I think I had 3 or 4 of them at one point.

Favorite speedrunning demo(s) from others?
I always loved Yonatan's style, all of his demos from QdQr just BLEW me away the first time I saw them, I still remember how breath taking it was at the time even today.

Favorite player (overall/runs/100%/marathon/coop)?
Yonatan Donner

Favorite trick in a demo?
e1m3 grenade jump (saw that for the first time and couldn't believe my eyes)

Favorite QdQ release?
QdQr Movie Version

Favorite original Quake map?

Favorite custom map?

Most annoying monster/map?

Do you like Doom/Quake2/Q3A?

What do you think of Quake now?
Bored with it. It will always be the best game ever made in my mind though. I would have to say it changed the direction of my life significantly. I wouldn't be living in the USA (moved here from London 2 years ago) if I hadn't gotten into Quake hardcore.

Quake Purity Test score? link

Anything else you want to add here?


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